At the same time, the heatmap shows a liquidity grab followed by fresh liquidity injection, which is typically used to support price action. In this case, it reinforces a short bias.

There is no willingness to push higher, and instead, strong interest in trading within the nearby liquid zones just below.

10:32 AM - Price Action Trigger
A trigger appears based on price action. Initially, it seems aggressive, but the order book helps clarify the intention to target lower liquidity zones.

At 11:13 AM, liquidity is grabbed. By 11:20 AM, fresh liquidity is injected to support the move downward.The structure forms a clear "stair-step" pattern that reinforces the downtrend, keeping me confident in the trade.

"The timestamps in the history are based on a different UTC setting."

Closing another trading day.This morning’s target didn’t teach me anything—but this stop did.